Once again, I've called on divine chef Caleigh Megless Schmidt, the "happy veggie" papess, to give us the recipe for her "beautiful skin bowl" based on Raw Cocoa Collagen Cubes, a recipe bursting with vitamin C, minerals and trace elements (magnesium, iron...).
Recipe for 1 person
Organic ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and potassium. The proteins in chia seeds help skin regenerate and repair tissues.
- 15 cl almond milk
- 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup
- 1 assortment of organic seasonal fruit (6 strawberries, 6 cherries, 1 grapefruit); select red berries first, as they are rich in antioxidants.
- 1 handful chopped almonds
- 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds, whose amino acids promote the production of proteins essential for cell renewal
- 1 handful of goji berries
- 3 coarsely chopped raw cocoa collagen cubes; the cubes are enriched with marine collagen; collagen is responsible for tissue cohesion, ensuring hydration, suppleness and resistance.
- 2/3 fresh herbs (e.g. chervil, mint or basil)
The proteins in chia seeds help skin regenerate...
In a bowl, combine the chia seeds, almond milk and maple syrup. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. The chia seeds will swell and absorb the almond milk. Prepare the organic fruit: cut up the strawberries, cherries and grapefruit.
When the chia seeds are ready, arrange the fruit attractively on top. Sprinkle with almonds, hemp, goji berries and diced raw cocoa. Add a few fresh herb shoots.
Enjoy immediately!
You can also find Caleigh's other recipes: